Harald Popp produces digital views in analogue spaces: spaceless views of three-dimensional bodies. A concreteness almost without shadow, reduced to small hints of space, which, like a reflex of the analogue, approaches the background. These are things that reveal nothing about utility, purpose and dimension and yet assert themselves in their thing-like quality. The before and behind generates no space for meaning or action, but rather a connection between two dimensions that never really coincide. What stands, lies or drips? Popp's exhibition is an irritation, an undertone of doubt about the self-assurance of our seeing and an object world robbed of its concreteness.
The artist contrasts this with another group of works. Opened, partially overlapping pages of a book refer to the most diverse contexts and archetypes of our cultural and historical memory. On closer inspection, the viewer is transported for a moment into a kind of space of encyclopedic, stacked knowledge that seems to cite analogous forms of appropriation in order to describe from a distance the familiar image of open desktops. It seems as if the relationship between digital and analog is diametrically opposed in the groups of works. In the end, however, it begins and ends in the digital.